Friday, November 2, 2007

Horizon Assessment Referendum Approved

Of 141,710 eligible votes, a quorum of 70,711 was easily achieved. As of today, approximately 107,000 votes have been received and counted, representing over 75 percent of the membership. A very substantial majority of the voting (66%) favors moving forward with the assessment and the project.

Congratulations to all on a wise decision. The needed new clubhouse will surely be built, and with some modest improvement in real estate sales, the entire project will hopefully be completed on schedule.

Please try to attend the Thirsty Thursday ceremonial ground breaking at the Racquet Club on Thursday, November 15, at 3:30 pm.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Carole & Patsy in the Wall Street Journal

Carole and Patsy's listing at 1030 Old Wharf Road is the house of the week in today's Wall Street Journal.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Horizon Plan

The Horizon Plan renderings are available. There is a direct link to them from the homepage of

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Horizon Plan

Horizon plans will be presented to the Seabrook Island Membership Thursday afternoon.